In early Astronamy there wasn't much research bcause they did not know the importance of the stars. But now the stars are researched  a lot more.            Chapter 1
        In spell casting the alignment of the stars is very important.  
           Spell #1     bilofri : this spell freezes the oppenent, to triger this spell it must be the time when Gemini is in the north sky.            Spell #2         dobaze : this puts the oppenent in a daze for 2-4 minutes, to trigger this spell it must be a time when Lynx is in the north eastern part of the sky.            Spell #3            zuferest : this makes the oppenent suffer internally from the spell weather it be mentally, or phisicly, to triger this spell centus must be in the soutern part of the sky.           Spell #4            regafepus : this makes the oppenent very weak and slow, to trigger Draco must in the west sky.            These are all beginer's spells for the beginer astronamy student.

                      Chapter #2      The zodiac symbols                       In the Muggle world they believe that if you are born under a certain Zodiac you have this kind of personallity. In the wizarrding world we believe that if you are born under certain Zodiac you are better at certain things or have a special abillity.                       January's Zodiac :  Cygnus, this means  you are better at tranfiguration. and you are able to comunicate with magical creatures.                       Febuary's Zodiac : Pegasus, this means you are a born Potions mixer. Also you have the ability to speak parcel tounge.                       March's Zodiac : Serpens Caput, This means that you are good at divination. Also if you are born under this you have the power  to control things withthe power of your mind.                       April's Zodiac:  Lynx, this means you are good at charms. the special ability for this month is you can speak different langages including animals                       May's Zodiac: Hydra, This means that you are really good at identifing the stars. the specail ability is you predict major events without knowing until you take divination.                       June's Zodiac: Lepus, This means that you are very good in the magic studies. the specail ability is you are very good at tranfiguration. <                      July's Zodiac: Fornax, This means that you very good at Herbioligy. the specail abilty is you are  really good at writing about the magical language things that have to do with magic.                       August's Zodiac:
Astronomy Book