Ameya is Sanskrit for 'boundless' or 'limitless' which is the opposite of Meya, Which i forget the direct sanskrit translation right now..

=Ameya Varde=
We nearly have the exact same name! Just change the 'V' to a 'W'. And he's from my beloved India (hense the Indian name) and now lives in my California! lucky duck.. *hmph* :)

=Japanese Herb & Organic Food store=

=A Wiccan Teen in LONDON England=
i'm obsessed with London & England :) And i'm pagany as well

= Ameya Vidwans =
Another Indian, from Pune, fan of cricket and he goes to college..

= Ameya Bapat=
Another Indian, he is getting a Masters of Science degree at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis.

=Ameya Computers Pty. Ltd. (in Australia)

=Ameya Developers pvt. Ltd, India (civil engineers, contractors and stuff)
