I Love...

+ Nature
+ Peace
+ Music
+ Movies
+ Books
+ Forums
+ Websites
+ Friends
+ My Family when thoes who do aren't yelling and being stupid jerks
+ Strangers
+ Boca Burgers
+ Bagels!
+ Peanut Butter & Jelly Samiches!
+ Fantasy
+ Daydreaming
+ Independence
+ Compassion / Kindness
+ Youth Group
+ Traveling
+ Accents
+ 'Occult' stuff (and no its not evil or bad in any way)
+ Making Movies
+ Photography
+ History
+ 60s & 70s Culture
+ Fanlistings/Cliques
+ Divinity
+ Life

I Hate...

- Closemindedness
- Violence
- Grudges
- Being caged
- Fear
- Homophobes
- Snobbieness
- Liars
- People who can't keep their word
- Fat (hehe)
- Racists/agist/Sexist/religionists
- Thoes who try to control other people
- family members being mean and selfish and never listening to the only voice of reason in the house.
- when Parents who make their kids hate them because they act like they hate them & they are bad parents (Not applicable to me, just some of my friends)
- Fake people who try TOO hard to be popular or to get friends, instead of being themselves
