aka the Beatles...

John says...

"What does it mean when a person is such a pacifist that they get shot? I can never understand that."

"When I was about twelve, I used to think I must be a genius, but nobody's noticed. If there is such a thing as a genius...I am one, and if there isn't, I don't care."

"Nobody controls me. I'm uncontrollable. The only one who can control me is me, and that's just barely possible."

"It doesn't matter how long my hair is or what colour my skin is or whether I'm a woman or a man."

"I don't believe in killing whatever the reason!"

"You're all geniuses, and you're all beautiful. You don't need anyone to tell you who you are. You are what you are. Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like."

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."

(about why they stopped touring) "I don't intend to be a performing flea anymore. I was the dreamweaver, but although I'll be running at 20000 miles an hour trying to prove myself, I don't want to die at 40."

"You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!"

"My whole school life was a case of 'I couldn't care less'. It was just a joke as far as I was concerned. Art was the only thing I could do, and my headmaster told me that if I didn't go to art school I might as well give up life. I wasn't really keen. I thought it would be a crowd of old men, but I should make the effort and make something of myself. I stayed for five years doing commercial art. Frankly, I found it all as bad as maths and science. And I loathed those. The funny thing was I didn't even pass art in the GCE. I spent the exam time doing daft cartoons. I got into art school by doing some decent stuff and taking it along to show them."

"The reason why kids are crazy is because nobody can face the responsibility of bringing them up. Everybody's too scared to deal with children all the time, so we reject them and send them away and torture them. The ones who survive are the conformists -- their bodies are cut to the size of the suits -- the ones we label good. The ones who don't fit the suits either are put in mental homes or become artists."

"Love is the flower you've got to let it grow."

"It doesn't matter how long my hair is or what colour my skin is or whether I'm a woman or a man."

"Love is the answer and you know that for sure."

"I always was a rebel...but on the other hand, I wanted to be loved and accepted...and not just be a loudmouth, lunatic, poet, musician. But I cannot be what I am not."

"I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people."

"We realized there's something wrong here, if everybody was upset by the fact that two people were naked."

"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace."

"I think the basic thing nobody asks is why do people takes drugs of any sort? And that question has to be resolved before you can think, well, what can we do for the poor drug addict? Why do we have to have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean, is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized, that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?.."

"We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep on watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it."

"You can't cheat kids. If you cheat them when they're children they'll make you pay when they're sixteen or seventeen by revolting against you or hating you or all those so-called teenage problems. I think that's finally when they're old enough to stand up to you and say, 'What a hypocrite you've been all this time. You've never given me what I really wanted, which is you."

"Living is easy with your eyes closed..."

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."

"Nothing will stop me, and whether I'm here or wherever I may be, I'll always have the same feelings, I'll say what I feel."

"The pressures of being a parent are equal to any pressure on earth. To be a conscious parent, and really look to that little being's mental and physical health is a responsibility which most of us, including me, avoid most of the time, because it's too hard...To put it loosely, the reason why kids are crazy is because nobody can face the responsibility of bringing them up..."

"Nobody controls me. I'm uncontrollable. The only one who can control me is me, and that's just barely possible."

"It just was a gradual development over the years. I mean last year was 'all you need is Love.' This year, it's 'all you need is Love and peace, baby.' Give peace a chance, and remember Love. The only hope for us is peace. Violence begets violence."

"You can have peace as soon as you like if we all pull together. You're all geniuses, and you're all beautiful. You don't need anyone to tell you who you are. You are what you are. Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like."

"My role in society, or any artist's or poet's role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all."

"When I was about 12, I used to think I must be a genius, but nobody's noticed. ...If there is such a thing as genius....I am one, if there isn't I don't care."

"Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people Sharing all the world. "

"One thing I can tell you is you've got to be FREE!"

They say...

"One of my great memories of John is from when we were having some argument. I was disagreeing and we were calling each other names. We let it settle for a second and then he lowered his glasses and he said: "It's only me." And then he put his glasses back on again. To me, that was John. Those were the moments when I actually saw him without facade, the armor, which I loved as well, like anyone else. It was a beautiful suit of armor. But it was wonderful when he let the visor down and you'd see the John Lennon that he was frightened to reveal to the world."
- Paul

"But, yeah, I definitely did look up to John. We all looked up to John. He was older and he was very much the leader; he was the quickest wit and the smartest and all that kind of thing. So whenever he did praise any of us, it was great praise, indeed, because he didn't dish it out much. If ever you got a speck of it, a crumb of it, you were quite gratefull. With Come Together, for instance, he wanted a piano lick to be very swampy and smoky, and I played it that way and he liked that a lot. I was quite pleased with that. He also liked it when I sang like Little Richard--Tutti- Frutti and all that. All my screaming songs, the early Beatles screaming stuff--that's me doing Little Richard. It requires a great deal of nerve to just jump up and scream like an... idiot, you know? Anyway, I would often fall a little bit short, not have that little kick, that soul, and it would be John who would go, "Come on! You can sing it better than that, man! Come on, come on! Really throw it!" All right, John, OK.... He was certainly the one I looked up to most - definitely."
- Paul

"When Lennon died, I lost a friend I've never met, a friend I've never talked to, a friend I've never seen in person, but a friend nevertheless."
- Bob Batz Jr. (Dayton Daily News) << Look! Thats my local paper! I found this quote all over online and stuff, so yay! go us, lol :) >>

"John was one of the handful of true rock poets and his lyrics always bore the stamp of his unique mind. Listening to them now they seem unbearably poignant, full of other meanings now that he has gone."
- Graham Russell (Air Supply)

"First up John was always a good friend. He was never the abusive, aggressive guy some people made him out to be. When John was killed I think he was just hitting his peak, both as an artist and a human being. And that's the saddest thing of all isn't it? John's death."
- Gerry Marsden

"It was a staggering moment when I first heard the news. Lennon was a most talented man and above all, a gentle soul. John and his colleagues set a high standard by which contemporary mucic continues to be measured."
- Frank Sinatra

"After all we went through together I had and still have great love and respect for him. I am shocked and stunned. To rob life is ultimate robbery. This perpetual encroachment on other people's space is taken to the limit with the use of a gun. It is an outrage that people can take other people's lives when they obviously haven't got their own lives in order."
- George Harrison

"Now Daddy is part of god. I guess when you die you become bigger, a part of everything."
- Sean Lennon

Paul Says...

"Let it be."

"When the Beatles split up, I felt on the rocks. I was accused of walking out on them, but I never did. I think we were all pretty weird at the time of the court cases. I'd ring John and he'd tell me not to bother him, and I rang George and what he came out with wasn't Hare Krishna at all."

(about fame)" Fame, in the end, is getting off your parking fine because the attendant wants your autograph."

George Says...

"When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there. " George Harrison

"The world is ready for a mystic revolution, a discovery of the God in each of us." George Harrison

"With our love we could save the world" George Harrison
