Now I lay me down to rest.
I pray that all the world be blest.
Lady Moon and Sister Star
Watch over me from afar.
Mother Earth is always there
And keeps me safe within her care.
Lord of Dreams will dance and sing And happy dreams will to me bring.
And when I wake to greet the day
Brother Sun will light my way.

Mother Moon and Father Sun
Now our day is all done.
Watch over me where I lie
From your home in the sky.
In my dreams
I hope you send Happy dreams of the Summerland.
For free will of all
And harm to none.
As I have willed it,
So shall it be done.
Blessed Be.

For the New Morning
For the new morning and it's light,
For the rest and shelter of the night,
For good health and food and love and friends,
For every gift the Goddess sends,
We thank thee. Blessed Be.
