I was born September 26, 1987 in Los Angeles California. I lived with my mama and daddy in an apartment there. I don�t remember anything, but once I found something mom had written about my daddy coming home drunk one night and he hit her or almost did, or something, and she was on the floor, crying and I came up to her, as a little one or two year old, and wiped away her tears. (wasn't I precious? hehe)
After trying to make herself leave many times, when I was two, she finally got up the courage to and we flew out to the Dayton area, Ohio, to live with her parents. We moved to Dayton in our own house after a year or two. And When I was five my brother, Taylor was born.
Ever since we moved out mom had worked an odd schedule as a single parent and so my brother and me had to go every morning at like 5 am to Grandparents to stay the day. Later we started just spending the night.
Dayton schools wanted to bus me to the infamous west side for first grade (and also wanted me to skip first grade) but mom didn�t like the idea so we moved back to the city my grandparents lived in, the school system is supposedly very good.
I was pretty smart and did very well in school until fifth grade, when I fell in deeper in love with History thanks to my awesome teacher. Unfortunately I got Ds in math and I loathed it.
Middle school was alright I suppose. I was the Mayor in Social Studies in 6th. I felt so special! It was a Class election and I beat out the most popular kid who also ran! Everyone said my speech was awesome. 7th grade I was in the Power of the Pen writing team and I was in the Honors math class. I did well on the entry test and the proficiency, although I started not doing homework and I got Cs all year.
I also fractured my growth plate on my ankle and I was on crutches for a very long time :(. My friends got tired of helping me carry my books around (book bags had to stay in lockers) I started looking up Wicca and witchcraft but my religion had brainwashed me that it is evil and wrong and I felt so guilty I threw my wiccan library books away and never spoke of it again, and had SO much guilt on me I cried all the time, even though only a few friends knew about it.
That summer Krista, my best friend since 4th grade moved away from across the street and down to South Carolina. My other best friend Jamie had moved away not long before and now with Krista gone, I was very upset, we'll just say that.
Every summer and Christmas since I was a baby I would go out to visit my daddy in L.A. He also called everyday to stay in my life. I loved my daddy so much. September 7th 2001, my aunt called to tell me they found my daddy dead in his apartment. I didn�t even get to go to his funeral. There is no need to say what I felt.
8th grade I continued being a slacker I was in Honors Math and Science. My best friends were mainly Anna and Nick and Leah although I was friends with a ton of people. I was a goody good (besides the grades) I wouldn�t tolerate cussing or anything of the sort, and I listened to only N*SYNC and Brittany Spears and stuff and I wanted to be a Youth Pastor. I went with Leah to meet my online buddy, Greg, and his friend JT at the bowling alley. I realized I had a bit of a crush on him. I was also Mrs. Teavee in the school play of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and had a major obsession with Willie Wonka (Josh).
In July Nick moved away and I was so devastated after him, Krista and Jamie. Anna and I were very close and we went to Washington DC with her daddy and had the time of our lives. I also went to Malibu with mom and my cute annoyance (aka Taylor). July I became Vegetarian and Vegan, which lasted about 2 months, but I will always stay Vegetarian.
Ninth Grade... my current.. *sigh* Much happened this year. I was very depressed, too much was going backwards. Lets see. Greg was my first real boyfriend and I like him SO much it was crazy. But it was very weird and stressful, I wasn�t ready for a boyfriend yet, we broke up after a few weeks. I didn�t eat much at all and I cut pretty often.. it started with using my fingernail until it progressed to knives. My friends noticed it on my wrists and I had to talk to the councilor.
I didn�t do any work in school, I was still in the honors classes, plus English now too. I was constantly under tons of stress, the only good thing really being I went from last chair Viola all three years of middle school, to first/second. I met a lot of new friends, but grew apart from all my old ones, except Pete who liked the outspoken hard rocker more than the 'old Lindsay'. I got really close to one of my new best friends, which pissed all my old ones off, and you guys I�m sorry I really do love you.
I had a lot of mental stuff.. I cant even say all the shit that goes on in my head. The difficulties I had always had with my mom worsted, we always were fighting and she screamed like a manic over everything and nothing. Even my friends were afraid and mad at her. But then sometimes she is really cool, so I hate staying mad at her. I love her after all. I hate living half the time with my grandparents, too. *sigh*
In February Greg asked me out again and we were together for about a month and a half. I was in love with that kid. But he didn�t like me being a different person everyday, because that�s about what I was. So we broke up again. And I was so devastated. I haven't gone out with anyone since, but I�m pretty much over him. But there�s still a part of me that loves him, lol hoping he doesn�t have the patience to read this thing...
I'm back into Wicca now, I consider myself more Wiccan than Christian, although I still believe in God and Jesus. I eat pretty normally now and I don�t cut either. I really want to start doing better in school, but it�s to late in the year. I have a lot of Fs and Ds and I know that I have to take a semester of Geometry over next year, I don�t have to take the exam because I got an F - F.
I�m a Alternate Student Representative for my homeroom, and a member of class council. I�m in the JCL, aka Latin club, but I wasn�t to involved in school this year. I did do the Day of Silence, protesting the discrimination of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual teens. I just recently realized I�m Bi myself, but most people don�t know that. Just last week I began going to this really cool classes. We just learned Runes. And there was a Reiki healing circle last night. I�m going to take a Reiki class next weekend, so I can learn how to do it myself. I�m also in Girl Scouts, one troop with cute little 3rd graders, I�m helping my friend/ Mentor from church with it, and a troop with these crazy girls my own age, who I love to death J. I�m also in boy scouts� well, venturing, which is coed boy scouts. Nick is coming to stay with me from June 7-16th and I�m dreadfully excited. Krista is coming up in late June too. That�s the extent of my life so far�