Orli Orli Orli Orli

Name: Orlando Bloom
Nicknames: Orli
Birthday: January 13, 1977
Sign: Capricorn
Age: 26
Born: Canterbury, Kent, England, UK
Now Lives: London & Los Angeles
Height: 5'11
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Recent Hit: Legolas; Lord of the Rings trilogy, Will Turner; Pirates of the Caribbean
Love: 'Twas actually Jordyn who first liked Orli, well, Legolas anyway, when she, John & I went and saw Fellowship of the Ring on that New Year's Eve. I was to entranced with Elijah and Viggo to notice, but after a while, Orlando began to appear everywhere, Magazines, TV, posters, online, more movies.. and I realize oo he wasn't to bad looking! although none of my friends thought he was cute without long blond hair. But now i've done my research, and he's just such a nice, cute, humble, and talented actor! I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean just for him, and he was really goode, and makes a sexy pirate ^_^. I think he'll be sticking around for a goode while, and that makes me a happy, happy girl :D *coughCanYouSayCo-Star?cough* In a few years, maybe I will be able too ;)

imdb + full-bloom.net + bloom-room.net