WARNING: Very long and boringly in depth. Read at your own risk (of boredom).

I was born Saturday, September 26, 1987 in Los Angeles California at 4:06am. I was a 'high risk' pregnency because I was breech & 10 days overdue. If it wasn't for C-sections, me and my mum both would have died. My dad was at home, my dad wasn't there for the hours mom was waiting, but came at the last minute and was the first one to hold me. Ticked mum off a bit.

The three of us lived in an apartment in Reseda (right outside L.A), for a year or two. For some reason I kept getting seizures from my temperature raising WAY to high, WAY to fast, that would cause my whole body to just freeze up in whatever position I was in, and my eyes glaze over. This would of course scare the monkey's out of my parents and I would have to be thrown in a tub of cold water and rushed to the hospital.

When I was about two years old, things happened and mum filed for divorce and her and I moved to Ohio, where she is from, so we could be around her family. For a while we lived in my grandparents house while mom worked at Capitol Cleaners. I would spend the day with my grandma as mom and grandpa went off to their jobs. After a year or so we started renting one of my grandpa's houses the town over but I still stayed with my Grandma when mom was at work, and she took me to my various preschools.

Mum joined a local group called Parents Without Partners ('PWP') when I was about 3, and there were lots of parties and camping trips and tons of fun stuff for the kids and parents to do. We were like a big family, although I don't remember much from thoes days. Mom eventually started seeing one of the Guys named Tim, and POOF! November 16, 1992, when I was 5 years old, I got a little brother, Taylor.

After I finished Kindergarden the Dayton school system wanted to have me skip first grade, since I was a smart little kid, hehe, and they were going to bus me to the west side schools. Dayton schools are the worst in Ohio, and I would have been the only white girl in the west side schools basically, so mom decided It was probably best to move to Kettering, which had a high ranking education system. We moved into yet another house owned by my grandpa and I started going to Bevertown elm. As always I spent all but a few hours of every day with grandma. Grandpa decided to suggest mom for a job in the car factory he worked in, and she got in, which payed MUCH better than the dry cleaning place.

Each summer and Christmas I would go out to Los Angeles and visit my daddy. We would drive all over, visiting my Aunt Eileen, Grandpa in his HUGE house on top of a mountain in Northridge, Grandma in her place right on the hill next to the beach in Paridise Cove, Malibu, Uncle & Aunt in San Diego, his friends, The Colorado River, Los Vegas, my aunt in Oregon, and everywhere in between. We'd be driving all the time and going everywhere, it was great. I was very much daddy's girl. in 1992 though, my Aunt Eileen, who I was closest to aunt wise at that time passed away. A few years later my grandpa did too.

I grew up not knowing in which part of the country I belonged, and wishing my parents were still together, but I loved getting to experience what felt like two completely different worlds. I was in love with Tigers, reading, different culturs, history and played pioneers and Indians (I didn't really know the term Native American back then), and lots of survival related games. I had a VERY active Imagination and was always daydreaming and pretending I was someone else, in a different time, or situation. When in Ohio I went to church every sunday since I had moved here, and was just a really sweet, smart, friendly, christian kid.

For my birthday in the sixth grade I remember being in the back of Rick's (My mom's boyfriend since shortly after she started working in the factory) truck and them telling me I got the Internet. I was so excited, you have no idea. I liked playing on stickerworld & cybertown & neopets until 7th grade. It was then that while discussing plans for having a school play with my friend Jonnie & 6th grade Social Studies & English teacher, Jonnie mentioned Harry Potter. I had him explain the series, and I begged mom for the book. I fell horribly in love. With Harry Potter that is. My 7th grade english teacher started reading the first one to the class & showing us interviews with JK Rowling and stuff. I went home and made a Harry Potter role playing game called Best Hogwarts. It was pretty cool. You would get sorted, have a gringotts account, go to Diagon Alley, do you Homework, earn money, earn housepoints, and all kindsa stuff. I met Heather who offered her Daily Prophet to affiliate and be the official Best Hogwarts DP. The Daily Prophet is still going strong, and she is my longest online friend, I even got to meet her during my trip to Washington DC.

September 7, 2000, My aunt Dede called me. As soon as she said the first thing, I knew what it was. My dad had died. My mom and my brother (who loved talking to him on the phone, and had met him the few times dad and come out here to visit) and even my maternal cousin (who's like my little sister) were all crying something terrible. But I didn't. Not until Anna came over and I let it all out. It was horrible. But I had extreme faith in God and my Christianity, and I was at peace with it. Anna said I was strong and brave, mom said I was insensitive, but really it jolted me onto the path of real-life spirituality. Not just hypothetical or invisible things we talked about in church. Now I had experienced something real, so now I got to think on something so close to my heart. I still had to go school the next day, telling everyone what happened. I didn't even get to go to the funeral. That summer though, mom, Taylor & I flew out to Malibu and stayed with my grandma for a week or two.

Freshman year. Oh dear lord... I could go on forever. But summarized. I had had Slipping grades since 4th grade, just because I never did any work outside class, yet I was still in all the honors classes. Non academic wise.. I obviously met lots of new people.. including Brittany ('John') who Introduced me to, and got me COMPLETELY obsessed with The Beatles, which in turn got me into the 60s counterculture, and Sara ('Jordyn') who just put all kinds of new perspectives and thoughts into my head, and Ashley ('River'), who, even after disliking me at first, although with reason, got me more into discovering my own spiritual philosophy and getting more into 60s and hippish stuff. But then of course, there was Greg. The first guy I really fell in love with. We went out twice. I ended up in a funked depression. I even had split personalities. And I was in that goth look. I had NO self confidence, I was very dependen on him, when he wasn't all to stable either, I was the typical "LOVE ME! I HATE LIFE! WHY AM I ALIVE?" angsty kid who ended up with scars around my wrist. Luckily I had some AWESOME friends who stood by me and supported me, when a lot of them were fighting their own similar demons, for the most part, i think we all rescued eachother. Unlike my (moms side of the)family, who just made matters worse, and was the source for a lot of my anger and frustration and sadness.

We broke up the second and final time, and after a while of still being a retard, things started to clear up. The black cloud dissolved from around me and I felt like I was living for the first time. One thing happened after another, and I was reborn. I discovered paganism while looking into different religions, which spoke to me because It was all about Love and Nature and a whole different concept of God than I grew up knowing. I did a lot of soul searching, without really intending to, and I found my voice, and my soul. And by August 2002, I adopted the name Ameya, which means limitless in Sanskrit, which described just how my spirit felt, and feels.

Like I said. School and I never really got along. November 2002, after miraculously convincing my mom, I started to homeschool myself. Some of the last negative infulences that remained in my life were taken away from the most part, and I for once had time to myself. I could finally organize my thoughts without a million people around, and the stress of school and the drama's of all the student's lives interferring.

I start college Sept 15, and i'll be majoring in Theatre Performance. I'll be turning 16 11 days after school starts. I have people like my aunt who are doubtful of my ability to go to college, which basically means, I'll do it goode just for spite, lol. :)
