These are the things I want to do before I die (in no particular order). Some are solid goals, some aren't, but hopefully I'll be able to do as many as possible...

1. Shave my head
2. Learn to snowboard
3. Learn how to play guitar well
4. Speak French, Italian, Japanese, Irish & Norwegian+or+Swedish fluently.
5. Cut a CD with me singing & playing guitar, playing some of my own songs
6. Write a book
7. Visit every continent
8. Have a vile of soil and water for every country or Sea I visit.
9. Write, direct & produce a film myself.
10. Win an Oscar (^_^)
11. Give all my earnings from a project to a charity or cause
12. Be on Conan O'Brian
13. Stand outside Goodmorning America with a poster and wave.
14. Experience a sunless day up north.
15. Experience a darkless night up north.
16. Meet a Beatle or a Beatle wife/kid.
17. Meet JK Rowling and give her a hug.
18. Go Vegan for a year
19. Donate to Locks for Love.
20. Work for the UN somehow
21. Finish tracing back my family tree as far as possible.
22. Learn to shoot a gun (I'd never shoot anything alive though)
22. Go to a Rainbow Gathering
23. Visit the countries that my ancestors are from (i'm a genealogy dork)
24. Meet someone of Royalty
25. Meet Johnny Depp
26. Dress up in clothes from a completely different era, adopt the correct accent and walk around NYC, or another big city like that, staying in character.
27. Meet Angelina Jolie
28. Kiss in the rain.
29. Sleep under the open sky
20. Get Married
21. Have babies
22. Meet a then-current president
23. Talk to Bjork
