"Once your find happiness on the inside, you can never loose it for long, every situation like this gives us the oportunity for reflection and self growth."

"Be mad! be angry! Scream! Cry! Its all emotion, its all feeling, its what lets us know we are alive. If you repress your emotions, you are denying yourself, and thats not really living."

"Pain comes from more than physical ailments and emotional conflicts. Pain can also come from days of shedding tears for reasons unknown to you, or feeling what seem to be holes in your soul, or realizing that nothing is real, in a few decades you'll be dead and gone and none of this, what you work so hard on, or put so much of your effort, heart and soul into, will matter. But will it? Thats up to you. You can take that pain and wallow in it, or aknowlage it and then become more determined than ever to give life your all and follow your heart and take advantage of all the opportunities you are given. Live in the now and live so that you are happy, healthy and with as little worry/stress as possible, what happens later happens later. as i once read somewhere, if you are to busy looking at the future, you wont be able to see the road you're walking (And you might trip and break your face, hehee)"

"Wooster... I wonder where they got that name? Did they like to add suffixes to strange words like me? Like... WOO! ster!, or do the have an accent?"
