Charms book
Charms - (ch-arms)These happen to be magical spells which add properties to something causing it to change.

Alohomora - (alo. homo.rha) opens locks

Aparecium - (apra. makes invisable ink visable

Dissendum - ( dissen. dumb.)opens the statue of the hump-backed-oned-witch to a secret passage to Hogmeade (I don't think any one will use this one.)

Expelliarmus - (expell. lar.mus.) disarms wands

Expecto Patronum -(expext. toe. Pat. rown. numb.) creates a patronus that can stop a dementor (see your Defenses Against Dark Arts professor for more information on this one)

Finite Incantatem - ( stops the Rictusempra and Tanrantallegra

Impervius - ( repels water

Locomotor Mortis - (loco.moter.More.tes) locks legs together

Lumos - (lu.mos) creates light 

Nox -  (nho.ex) used after "Lumos" to turn the light off

Mobilicorpus - (mhob.ill.icor.pus) ties up people

Obliviate - ( erases memory

Petrificus Totalus - ( fully binds a body

Rictusempra - (Rik.tus.em.pra) tickles someone

Riddikulus - ( changes a Boggart into something you find funny (also see your Defenses Against Dark Arts professor for more information)

Serpensortia - (sir. pin.sort.tia.) shoots a snake from your wand

Tanrantallegra - (than.ran.talle.grha)starts making a person dance

Waddiwasi - (whad. I. wash)unsticks things

Wingardium Leviosa- (wing. ard. die um.)makes objects start to fly

soakydrips - ( so. key. drips) makes it rain

Written by:
         Professor Laren Kelly