Things to Watch Out For

(for Defense against the Dark arts classes and Care of Magical Creatures)                                             By:  Zoser Tutan

Chapter 1, Bit things to watch out for

   This book will let you know all sorts of little tricky creatures and what they do.  We'll start off by looking at something many people fear, werewolves.


Height:  Approx. 6 feet
Appearance:  Very hairy and grumpy looking
Defense:  If you see one, crouch and stay about 5 or more meters away (no charm known)
What it will it do to you:  It will try to bite you, if it does you become a werewolf, and try to attack you.
Times they are out:  Every night at a full moon.
Where?:  Usually sighted in forests

Chapter 2, Boggarts


Height: Unknown
Appearance:  Whatever the person closest to it is most afraid of
Defense:  Confuse it by changing it's form (charm: Ridikulus)  many, many times
What it will do to you:  It will try and frighten you
Times they are out:  Whenever someone releases them from their hiding spot
Where?:  Usually in dark places

Chapter 3, Grindylows


Height:  About 2 feet
Appearance:  It is a silky green creature with small, but sharp horns with very long fingers
Defense:  Breaking its grip , which is very hard because it has such long and strong fingers
What it will do you:  It will get a strong grip around you and try to weaken you
Times they are out:  There favorite time is spring so that's when you'll find them
Where?;  In swamps or lakes (at Hogwarts they are all in tanks)

Chapter 4, Flobberworms


Height (length): 1 inch or 2.5 cm
Appearance:  Small puny looking g worms that don't have much of a color
Defense:  Squashing it
What it will do to you: Nothing
Times they are out: All year long
Where?;  In dirt and mud

Chapter 5, Ginger colored Cats

Ginger Cats

Height: 1.3 feet
Appearance:  Completely colored ginger and has an abnormally long tail
Defense:  Keep rodents away from them and try the body bind charm on it
What it will do to you:  They will attack almost all rodents but more fiercely than a normal cat would
Times they are out:  During the day
Where;  Usually with owners (females particularly like them)

Chapter 6, Cantarac Spiders (just been discovered!)

Cantarac Spiders

Hight: 0.2 inches or 7 centimeters
Appearance:  Very skinny and pitch black spiders
Defense:  NEVER SQUASH IT!  Simply flick it of you ,gently, and use the leg binding charm on it
What it wildo to you;  It will crawl on you and inject highly venomous poison in your skin from it's legs
Times they are out:  They come out whenever they see someone that is very still
Where:  Their home is in Africa but can apparate to wherever it wants to go.