Flourish & Blotts

Hogwarts:A History
A begginers guide to trnsfiguration
Quidditch: A history
Quidditch: A guide
The Standard book of spells
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 7
A History of Magic
Magical Theory
Break with a Banshee
Gadding with Ghouls
Holidays with Hags
Travels with trolls
Year with the yeti
Voyages with Vampires
Wanderings with Werewolfs
Encyclopedia of toad stools
Prefects who gained power
Handbook of Do-It_yourself
Broom Care
The Monster book of monsters
One Thousand magical Herbs and
Magical Drafts and Potions
Fantastic Beasts and Where to find
The Dark Forces: A guide to self
Muggles: How do they survive?
The guide to life for Gryffindors
For Hufflepuffs
For Ravenclaws
For Slytherins
Hogwarts survival Guide
Owls & how to keep them
Cats & how to keep them
Toads & how to keep them
How to keep your illegall pets
The care & Keeping of your wand
Broomstick Care
Dragons of Europe
Dragons of Asia
Dragons of Africa
Dragons or North America
Dragons of South America

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