Best Hogwarts
The Great Hall

Announcements! (Jun 15, 2000)
I am so sorry that Spring break was so long but someone broke into the castle and did some pretty nasty charms, and so they had to clean up. but I think everything is ok now. Plus I was gone on an expedition with the Ministry of Magic. Learn about it soon it the Daily Prophet.
As you notice I am renovating the site and hopefully it will be completed soon. Please take the poll below this and tell me what you think!
Ooooo! The Daily Prophet got a whole new look! I love it! make sure you tell Meg & Liz what you think on their guestbook!

Announcements! (Apr 11, 2000)
We now have a fan fiction part of Best Hogwarts click on the link to the left!
Send your name,house, & e-mail adress to
if you have not already. your house gets 20 house points.
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Quidditch is full!!!!!!!!! Our first Game time: tba

E-mail Professor Tigerwand

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